Register a new VM
- Note the hardware compatability. If you have a heterogeneous esxi environment with older versions, make sure you pick a version that will be supported by all hosts.
storage should be on the BASEVM datastore
Network, CDROM and video
Install the Virtual Machine
Some considerations
- The Base VM needs to be useable by range-users. For this reason it include a sudo account with a well known password
- This account can be tweaked after the fact with ansible.
- For purpose of this lab we will use the username range-user. The password is up to you but for purpose of the demo, I'll be using r@ng32022
- After rebooting, disconnect the CDROM from your vm by changing it from Datastore ISO to Host device
Run the helper script for xubuntu, ubuntu desktop or sever
Some of you are like, why aren't you using templates? The answer is that you cant create a linked clone from a template. Linked clones are used for speed and have a significantly lower impact on storage (If you turn off automatic updates)
Turn off ipv6 on this VM, it was interferring with dns resolution
Make sure to look at the desktop script. You can also find a script for servers that does not bother to install chrome and uses the non desktop version of vmware tools.
- Chrome and Chrome remote desktop is preinstalled so that students can use this box as a means to go directly into their environment from the internet.
- VMWare Tools is installed
- SSH Server is installed
- SSH Certs are reconfigured
- the MachineID is truncated, if you don't do this duplicate DHCP ip address occur
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gmcyber/RangeControl/main/src/scripts/base-vms/ubuntu-desktop.sh
chmod +x ubuntu-desktop.sh
sudo ./ubuntu-desktop.sh
rm ubuntu-desktop.sh
shutdown -h nowTake a powered off snapshot called
Never turn this VM on again if you are planning to use if for linked clones. Modifying this VM will make any existing clones linked from it unusable.