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vcenter 8 installation


  • You've deployed the vcsa.iso to shared storage


  • You've built your vcenter management VM

  • You've built your domain controller and certificate server

  • On your DC Create A and PTR records for

    • your esxi boxes
    • your vcenter box (not built yet)
    • a PTR record for your domain controller
  • You've mounted the vcsa iso file. If you do this right, you can navigate to esxi1 by host name and see your mounted .iso file within your management system.


  • hunt down and invoke the lin64 installer


Installation Notes

  • ESXi host or vCenter Server name: esxi1.range.local

  • enter esxi1's root password

  • Give your future vcenter a name, and root password

  • We will do a tiny deployment. It is nice to have at least 64GiB RAM or 2 32GiB hosts or better

  • Ideally this would run on your NAS, however mine is slow. I'm picking esxi1's datastore1 for now

  • make sure you can ping dc and vcenter or this install will go south pretty quickly


    • once stage 1 is complete, move on to stage 2


    • create the sso domain: vsphere.local

    • provide an administrator password

    • ceip, is up to you.

Logging in to vcenter


Create the DataCenter

Create a new DataCenter called range and add your two hosts to it. Note, that one of my hosts has secure boot turned off in UEFI, hence the TPM alarm.


Integrate Active Directory

  • Head to Admin->SSO


  • One needs to reboot vcenter


  • Go get coffee

  • log back in as administrator@vsphere.local

  • on your domain controller create an normal user for ldap binding, note the OU.


  • grab your domain controller cert

    openssl s_client -connect dc1.range.local:636 -showcerts


  • Fill out the form like so


  • set AD as default SSO provider


  • Add the vcenter-administrators group from range.local to the vcenter Administrators group.


  • logout

  • log back in as albus.dumbledore-adm



Why no Distributed Switches?

  • For purposes of our reference architecture we will stick with standard switches. We will use VM Network on each esxi host for access to the corporate network ( in the example. DSwitches are more useful when you have several esxi hosts and want to have a common mechanism to configure switches and associated port groups.