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Milestone 6 - Blue Network and vyos Provisioning with Ansible

💡The intersection between Virtual Machine Automation and Physical Networking is interesting. How do you provision a system that is meant to be on another network? We will use a combination of PowerCLI to control the network the virtual machines are on and Ansible to adjust the actual virtual machine OS settings. Automating the vyos router is not an easy task to start with but it is the logical one before we configure the Blue network


  • Extend 480-utils.psm1 to provide a function that creates a Virtual Switch and Portgroup
  • Write another function that can get the IP, vm name and MAC address from the first interface of a named VM.
  • Use your cloning feature to create a new linked clone of your vyos base image called blue1-fw
  • Create a utility function within 480-utils.ps1 that will start a VM or VMs by name.
  • Create a utility function called Set-Network within 480-utils.ps1 that sets a virtual machine network adapter to the network of your choice.
  • Install ansible and show your first ansible ping.
  • Deploy a new configuration to your blue1-fw using ansible. Your demo should show the results of getIP before you run the the vyos ansible playbook.
  • Show The successful run of the vyos ansible playbook
  • Show the results of getIP after you run the ansible playbook.

Milestone 6 - Videos​