📄️ Getting Started
The Spring 23 running of this course is well underway.
📄️ Milestone 1 - ESXi
💡You have your own physical server, located in a fully functional but tiny data center. Your job will be to access and install ESXi 8x on this server and deploy basic services such as networking, firewall and a management virtual machine.
📄️ Milestone 2 - Active Directory
💡Milestone 1 should be completed, we are going to augment our architecture further by deploying Windows Domain Controller. and vCenter. Additionally, we will begin managing our Hypervisor from xubuntu-wan.
📄️ Milestone 3 - VCenter
💡Milestone 1 and 2 should be completed, we are going to augment our architecture further by deploying vCenter and adding our esxi host to it.
📄️ Milestone 4 - PowerCLI and Linked Clones
💡In this milestone we are going to begin using an Active Directory login to vcenter. We will also install powershell and powercli on xubuntu-wan and hand extract the base VMs from dc1, xubuntu and vyos
📄️ Milestone 5 - The 480Utils Powershell/PowerCLI module
💡In a previous milestone, we installed powershell and powercli and accessed vsphere both interactively through commands such as Get-VM as well as through a .ps1 script of your own making. In this module we will make a powershell module that we will build upon over the course of the semester.
📄️ Milestone 6 - Blue Network and vyos Provisioning with Ansible
💡The intersection between Virtual Machine Automation and Physical Networking is interesting. How do you provision a system that is meant to be on another network? We will use a combination of PowerCLI to control the network the virtual machines are on and Ansible to adjust the actual virtual machine OS settings. Automating the vyos router is not an easy task to start with but it is the logical one before we configure the Blue network
📄️ Milestone 7 - Deploying and Post Provisioning of BlueX Linux Servers
💡In this module, we will be deploying 5 linux servers directly to a DHCP enabled BlueX LAN, adjusting network configurations similarly to the way we provisioned vyos. We will then adjust the networking configuration on 5 linux hosts. Adjust the number of deployed Linux systems if you are constrained in terms of memory.
📄️ Milestone 8 - Putting the SEC in DevSecOps
💡This is a two week milestone, see if you can get the server portion done the first week, and the agent installation done the second week. Leave time to go back to server installation should you need to do so based upon your investigation of the agent installation. In the demonstrations shown below, the instructor is using Splunk Enterprise as the Server and Splunk Forwarder + TA for LInux and Unix as the agent.
📄️ Milestone 9 - blue.local
💡In this milestone you will deploy active directory domain services to our BLUE1-LAN using a combination of PowerCLI and Ansible.
📄️ Milestone 10 - Domain Provisioning
💡This is the last milestone this semester. Use this time to not only complete this deliverable but also to catch up on any late work.